
Banco do Brasil 001
Branch 2920-3
Savings Account 21.735-2
Change 51
Curitiba, Brazil, Paraná
E- mail:
WhatsApp: 55-41-98863-8045
Our Ministry is to speak of Jesus Christ through the universal language of all times: Music
24 hours , until Jesus Christ returns

quinta-feira, 23 de julho de 2020

Beautiful Song Gospel and Soul Music Curitiba Brasil Raízes Primitivas:

I want to Stroll over Heaven with You 

Beautiful Song 

Only Soul music - Soul Music, from Curitiba to the world

Music is the bread that feeds the soul.
Bread feeds the body; Faith nurtures the soul; Music is the vehicle that strengthens faith, even if there is no bread.

O pão alimenta o corpo; A Fé alimenta a alma; A música é o veículo que fortalece a fé, mesmo quando falta o pão.

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